Cuirfear aistriúchán ar fáil go luath

Ár leithscéal as an míchaoithiúlacht. Cuirfear aistriúchán Gaeilge ar an leathanach seo ar fáil go luath. Go raibh maith agat as do chuid foighneachta agus muid ag obair ar leagan uasdátaithe.

Government services

Man in a suit with red tie smiling to the camera

Archives and Government Services oversees the management, transfer, and disposal of State records as stipulated in the National Archives Act, 1986.

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The Archives Management (Departmental Records) Section provides guidelines and training for government departments and other bodies covered by the Act on transferring records to the National Archives. This section also creates finding aids (catalogues), administers the online catalogue, and lists recent and backlog transfers.

The Court Records Section manages court records and their transfer to the National Archives. It offers advice and training to the Courts Service and court offices on record care and oversees the transfer of records when they are 30 years old. This section also creates finding aids for court records.

For more information on our extensive Court Records, please visit the Search the Collections and Help with Research sections of our website.

The Current Records Section advises government departments and public service bodies on record management. It administers requests to destroy records that do not merit permanent preservation, as per the National Archives Act, 1986. Destruction of records is prohibited without a certificate signed by the Director of the National Archives.