Role of a Requisitioning Officer
At least one Requisitioning Officer must be appointed in each Department of State in accordance with Regulation 3(2). Department of State is defined in the National Archives Act, 1986 1(2) and is interpreted to mean not only the head office of a Department and its sub-offices, but also the courts and the bodies listed in the schedule to the Act. The term, therefore, refers to almost all bodies staffed by civil servants, including the Defence Forces and An Garda Síochána.
A Requisitioning Officer must be at least Executive Officer, or equivalent, grade.
Responsibilities of a Requisitioning Officer
- The Requisitioning Officer may, in accordance with the National Archives Act, 1986, Regulations, 1988 11(1), request the recall of a file already transferred to the National Archives but now required for operational purposes.
- The Requisitioning Officer is responsible for ensuring the return of the file to the National Archives not later than 6 months from the date of requisition unless an extension period has been agreed by the Director of the National Archives. Any such extensions shall be granted at the discretion of the Director, or an officer of the National Archives designated for this purpose in accordance with Regulation 11(2).
- The Requisitioning Officer is responsible for arrangements for access by the public to such archives while so requisitioned, if necessary.
Appointment of Requisitioning Officers
- A Requisitioning Officer is appointed by the Secretary General, or equivalent officer, of the Department of State concerned.
- A letter of appointment on official headed paper must be signed by the Secretary General and sent to the Director of the National Archives with details of the name of the individual, their grade and contact details.
- A template letter to appoint a Requisitioning Officer is attached.
Notification of changes
The National Archives should be notified of any changes in personnel and contact details of Requisitioning Officers.