Cuirfear aistriúchán ar fáil go luath

Ár leithscéal as an míchaoithiúlacht. Cuirfear aistriúchán Gaeilge ar an leathanach seo ar fáil go luath. Go raibh maith agat as do chuid foighneachta agus muid ag obair ar leagan uasdátaithe.

Referencing archives

For researchers, historians, students and academics, accurately referencing the archival materials is crucial. The National Archives of Ireland provides clear guidelines to assist you in this process, ensuring your work upholds the highest standards of academic integrity.

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Reference codes are unique identifiers assigned to documents within the National Archives.

These codes are essential for maintaining security, preventing duplication and ensuring consistent cataloguing. For researchers, reference codes are invaluable tools for tracking and organising the archives they consult. Learn more about reference codes.

Find detailed information on the correct citation formats to use when referencing materials from the National Archives. Adhering to these guidelines will ensure that your citations are accurate and consistent, meeting the expectations of academic and professional publications. Enhance the credibility and traceability of your research by using our guide to citation for publications..

While you do not need to seek permission to quote or reference material found in the National Archives, it is important to note that permission is required to reproduce images of documents from our collections.