Research and unearth Ireland's history and stories

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Alternative view of front of National Archives building

The National Archives of Ireland provides access to Ireland’s public records for researchers worldwide. With over 60 million documents spanning more than 200 years of history, it serves as a rich source of information for researchers of all kinds.

Our team of experts curate, preserve, and provide access to the records held in the archives, ensuring transparency and a deeper understanding of Ireland’s past.

Services to government

Our work with government
Man in a suit with red tie smiling to the camera

The National Archives is the official repository of state records. We are responsible for collecting, preserving, and making public all government records, as directed by the National Archives Act of 1986. This includes records from all government departments that are over 30 years old, as well as records from 61 scheduled bodies, the courts at all levels, and tribunals or bodies established by the government.

Historical image family

Discover your family history

Are you interested in learning more about your family history or a specific individual? The National Archives holds a vast collection of records that can provide valuable insights for family researchers. Here, you can discover more about our family history resources, how to prepare for your research, and take advantage of our free genealogy services.

The archive by numbers

Learn about the archives
700 years
of history
Person reading index card
5011 in person
Research room at the National Archives
11242 questions
Image of Atrium

Featured collections

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Decade of Centenaries cover image

Decade of Centenaries

Charting the historical development of Ireland from 1912 to 1923, a most turbulent and transformative decade.

Image from the start of the 20th century of a family in Ireland in front of a cottage, overlaid with an image of a census from the time.

Census Records, 1901 and 1911

Explore the original manuscript returns for each household in the thirty-two counties of Ireland that still exist for the 1901 and 1911 censuses.

Dail Eireann

Dáil Éireann Collections

Discover the early years of the Irish State through documents and records from the first (1919–1921) and second (1921–1922) Dáil.

Chief Secretary’s Office Registered Papers, 1818 – 1922

Chief Secretary’s Office Registered Papers, 1818 – 1922

The records of the Chief Secretary's Office are some of the most valuable original source materials for researching Ireland in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The National Archives of Ireland is where researchers and members of the public can view original documents and records from departments of state, the courts, public bodies as well as many private collections.


The documents held in the Archives help to provide an understanding of the social, economic and political history of Ireland.

A researcher pointing to a detail on an architectural drawing
NAI staff member sitting and thinking in front of a plan drawing of a lighthouse.
Image person studying map
what-we-do-4 - research card
Image door in the National Archives
Image of historical items
Storage room National Archives
Image research room National Archives