Filming in the National Archives

NAI staff member sitting and thinking in front of a plan drawing of a lighthouse.

We encourage filming that incorporates and uses archival materials. This helps showcase the value of primary source research. On this page, you’ll find all the information you need to help you plan your filming request.

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The National Archives welcomes the opportunity to feature our records on film and television. However, the nature of our collections means we must consider questions of copyright, conservation and security.

  • We cannot always guarantee access to all of our collections
  • Filming of backdrop use only for interviews isn’t permitted
  • Original documents cannot be removed from the National Archives for filming under any circumstances

To visit the National Archives you will need a reader’s ticket.

Request permission to film

You must provide a minimum of 15 working days’ notice to request filming permission. Dates can only be reserved when we receive a completed application form.

Once permission is granted, you will receive an email confirming the date, time and cost of filming.

For security reasons you will need to provide the names of the crew who will visit.

These include:

  • Presenters
  • Interviewees
  • Researchers

If you need to cancel your booking, please let us know in advance.

Before you film

There are a number of things you should organise in advance of your filming.

Identify documents to film

You must identify the document(s) you wish to film. The National Archives cannot do this work on your behalf. Our staff can advise on relevant record collections for your production.

Order documents

All documents have a file reference number and must be submitted with your film application. We will order these documents to ensure they are ready for filming on the agreed day. No additional documents can be ordered on the day of filming.

  • You can order up to ten documents per filming session.
  • Documents should only be used for content, not as background props.

To help identify the records you are interested in, search our online catalogue and use the finding aids in our Reading Room.

Interviewing staff

We encourage crews to bring their own presenters or researchers. If you wish to interview a National Archives staff member about our records, you must arrange this with us in advance.


We do not provide access to the repository (document storage area). While we will make every effort to accommodate your filming needs, please be aware that these are working areas and in some instances, filming and recording may be interrupted intermittently.


Our archives are unique and restrictions on how they must be treated are necessary. Documents are easily damaged and must be handled as little as possible. A staff member will be available throughout filming to ensure that the documents are handled correctly and that archival best practices are followed.

Filming times

Monday to Friday:

  • 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
  • 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm

The crew must be off-site by 5 pm.

Out-of-hours filming can be arranged but must be negotiated well in advance and may incur additional security costs.

Filming rules

No food or drink (including water, chewing gum or sweets) is permitted near the documents.

The crew must stay with the staff member and wear their visitor passes throughout filming in the building.

The National Archives reserves the right to terminate filming at any time if the staff member supervising is concerned that filming is deviating from the agreed arrangements.


Your team must follow the Reading Room rules at all times.

Fees and licensing

The National Archives filming rate is €130 per day or €65 per half day. This cost includes locating, ordering, conserving and producing records for filming and the presence of a staff member who must be on site for security reasons.

Permission to produce a document in print, on television or the internet is €65. The licence to distribute a copy of a document for not more than 7 years is €200. Once filming has taken place, you will be sent an invoice by the National Archives for fees incurred which must be paid within 30 working days.

Crediting source material

The National Archives must be credited as the source of the records on screen and in the script during the broadcast. If images are used in print the full reference of the document must be noted. For example: National Archives, DFA/13/2/1

Social media

The National Archives reserves the right to showcase the filming session, its content, and document references on its social media platforms, either during or after the program airs.


The film company/producer agrees that photographs can be taken at the time of filming to be used exclusively for our social media purposes.