How to handle archives

Learn how to handle archives while you are researching in the reading room.

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Every archival document is unique. Handle them with care, ensuring they're preserved for others to use and learn from in the future.

Archival records are unique and must be handled carefully to prevent damage or loss of the information they hold. By following these guidelines, readers can help ensure the preservation of the collections.

Guidelines to handling archives

  • Ensure your hands are clean, dry and lotion-free.
  • Keep your workspace tidy so the records can be studied flat on the table.
  • Only consult one file or document at a time and keep it within the confines of the folder.
  • Archival records must not overhang the table edge.
  • Avoid writing on, leaning on or placing other items on any archival records. Do not run your fingers along the lines of text.
  • Turn pages gently and carefully, especially when reading thin or fragile pages.
  • Use only pencils or computers for note-taking.
  • Refrain from marking or annotating the pages.
  • Never apply direct force to open or restrain any item. Small weights can be used to keep items open, these weights are available from the counter if needed.
  • Do not open volumes flat on the table. Bound volumes must be correctly supported on a cushion using snake weights or small weights, available from the counter if needed.
  • If you need to mark your place in a volume, ask a staff member for an acid-free slip of paper.
  • When returning the records or volumes to the counter, make sure they are properly aligned and housed within the file, folder or box provided.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to correctly handle records, please ask a member of staff who will be happy to assist.

Keeping the archives in order

The page order of a file is extremely important and can often provide as much information about the archives as the actual documents themselves. Any attempt to rearrange the original order can result in the loss of potentially vital information.

Readers are asked to maintain the correct order of items within each folder and the order of the folders in each box. If items are found out of order, please ask staff for assistance.