National Archives Advisory Council

Reference books at the National Archives
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Role of the National Archives Advisory Council

The National Archives Advisory Council (NAAC) was established in January 1987 under Section 20 of the National Archives Act, 1986. Their role is to advise the Minister with responsibility for the National Archives – the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media – in the exercise of their powers under the Act and on all matters affecting archives and their use by the public.

In addition to the functions allocated to the Council under the National Archives Act, the Council may, under Section 80(6) of the Local Government Act of 2001 and Section 92 of the Harbours Act of 1996, advise the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government and the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment on any matters affecting local and harbour archives.

Members of the NAAC

Members of the National Archives Advisory Council are appointed for a period of five years.

Annual Reports

Annual Reports of the National Archives Advisory Council are available to view in Reports and policies.