Digital preservation

The National Archives Act is format neutral and applies equally to paper and digital records. The content, rather than the format, will determine if a record series is worthy of permanent preservation as archives. Guidance on determining what series may fall into this category can be found in our Retention Schedule.

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Although the National Archives Act is format-neutral, there are significant practical differences in maintaining paper and digital records over time. The responsibility for maintaining records until they are 30 years old (20 years in certain circumstances), and are eligible for transfer to the National Archives, rests with the creating department or body.

Responsibilities under legislation


The National Archives do not have a legislative mandate to issue centralised guidelines on the management of State records. However, the following are some guiding principles and best practice standards to take into account when considering the digital preservation of your records:

  • Use common file formats (for example, Open Source or Microsoft Office/ PDFs)
  • If you need specialist software/ database systems – use open source software where possible
  • If you have to use proprietary software, ensure you have a clear exit strategy and business continuity plan written into your contract
  • Always consider how to remove your records from any digital system and retain continuous access and support (independent of the supplier)


Best practice standards include:

  • European Information Governance Principle – Archiving by Design
  • MoReq® -Modular Requirements for Records Systems
  • ISO standards (International Organisation for Standardisation):
    • ISO15489 – Records management
    • ISO16175 – Processes and functional requirements for software for managing records
    • ISO22428 – Managing records in cloud computing environments
    • ISO30301 – Management systems for records — Requirements
    • ISO30302 – Management systems for records — Guidelines for implementation
    • ISO13008 – Digital records conversion and migration process
    • ISO17068 – Trusted third party repository for digital records
    • ISO18128 – Risk assessment for records processes and systems
    • ISO23081 – Metadata for records (in 3 parts)
    • ISO26122 – Work process analysis for records